

Teacher well-being Education Alliance Finland
March 9, 2021

Global trends indicate that teacher motivation has been falling in recent years, leading to teacher shortages (Unesco).

For example in Finland and the UK the teachers are reporting issues with wellbeing, high stress levels and not being able to handle the workload they’re expected to carry.

The negative trend has started long before the global pandemic and many indicators tell that the situation is worsening due to distance learning (TTL, Education Support UK).


EdTech Certification for educators
March 3, 2021

We're excited to announce that EduSpaze, EdTech Ignite, Practicle and Education Alliance Finland have jointly created an EdTech training program for Singaporean educators. The program is offered by Singapore Management University, SMU Academy, and the local educators can have the government to subsidize 90% of the course fee. 


The program consists of two modules: 

App Annie Education Breakout apps 2021
February 18, 2021
Image: AppAnnie State of the Mobile Report 2021. 


All EdTech companies have faced this question at some point: Should your Edtech solution have a native mobile app or should you stay browser based?

We looked into AppAnnie's State of the Mobile report 2021 to understand the business benefits of offering a native app in education.