

EdTech certification service looking to expand to the U.S market
July 6, 2018

Deep dive into the U.S. EdTech market

My main goal for the ISTE trip was to familiarize with the U.S. Edtech market and to find a few potential partners that we could work with when EAF EdTech Certification Service is making its way to the U.S. market.

ISTE was definitely the right place to go to when you want to meet with the U.S. Edtech sector’s key people and organizations. I got loads of inspirational meetings, had very interesting discussions and came back with lots of new ideas, knowledge, and inspiration.

Using EdTech to spark creativity
April 24, 2018

Creativity plays such a big part in our everyday life, as creative problem solving is behind of every innovation and self-expression can be seen as a key to happiness. Using educational technology for creative purposes is one of the best ways of benefiting from EdTech it in schools. 

Criteria for EdTech certification
April 18, 2018

Too many times the discussion about the role of EdTech in schools circles around irrelevant matters: are teachers still needed in the future or should we limit screen time in schools.

Digitalisation has improved processes in all industries and the same transformation has started in the education sector. Instead of seeing threats, we should focus on developing the best practices for using EdTech and that way improve learning efficacy.