Understanding and practicing safe and responsible uses of technology
Practicing to set one's own learning goals
Practicing to take responsibility of one's own learning
Practicing to find ways of working that are best for oneself
Learning to notice causal connections
Practising visual recognition
Practicing categorization and classification
Practicing memorizing skills
Using technology as a part of explorative process
Using technology for interaction and collaboration
Using technological resources for finding and applying information
Using technology as a part of explorative and creative process
Learning to plan and design own written content and textual representations
Practicing to find, evaluate and share information
Practicing to use information independently and interactively
Realizing the connection between subjects learned in free time
and their impact to skills needed at worklife
Connecting subjects learned at school to skills needed at working life
Practicing decision making
Practicing to give, get and reflect feedback
Practicing to express own thoughts and feelings
Learning decision-making, influencing and accountability
Learning to listen other people’s opinions
Practicing to argument clearly own opinions and reasonings
Encouraging to build new information and visions
Supporting student to build their own linguistic and cultural identity
Learning to understand people, surroundings and phenomenons around us
Practicing to notice links between subjects learned
Learning to build information on top of previously learned
Using technology to express one’s emotions and experiences
Practicing to look things from different perspectives
Practicing to notice causal connections
Learning to recognise and evaluate arguments and their reasonings
Developing problem solving skills
Practicing to take care of own and other people’s safety
Practicing to take care of one's own and other people’s safety
Practicing to take care of one's own wellbeing and health
Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
Practicing to recognize and express feelings
Practicing to use imagination and to be innovative
Encouraging students to be innovative and express new ideas
Practicing to improvise
Creating requirements for creative thinking
Practicing to evaluate one's own learning
Practicing persistent working
Practicing strategic thinking
Using technology resources for problem solving
Building common knowledge of technological solutions and their meaning in everyday life
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts
Learning to acquire, modify and produce information in different forms
Understanding and interpreting of matrices and diagrams
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts, from vernacular to academic
Practicing logical reasoning to understand and interpret information in different forms
Practicing versatile ways of working
Learning to plan and organize work processes
Learning consumer knowledge and smart economics
Practicing time management
Encouraging positive attitude towards working life
Enabling the growth of positive self-image
Learning to understand the meaning of rules, contracts and trust
Learning to face respectfully people and follow the good manners
Learning to combine information to find new innovations
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