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CertifiedEducation quality


Inspired Classrooms
Broad-based competencies
MentorIC software from Inspired Classroom provides an organized way to guide students through scenario-driven learning.

Inspired Classroom Mentor Partners can create and house content on a software platform, MentorIC.

Using MentorIC’s unique, four-way collaborative system, students and teachers connect with Mentor Partner organization education coordinators to experience amazing content and activities. Teachers have all of the information and background they need to guide their students and the learner can submit projects for feedback from the organization experts. The platform features a manager dashboard making MentorIC a subscription-based, easily scalable, and sustainable SaaS product.

MentorIC software captures data from educators/mentors and learners while attaining COPPA compliance and best practice. Mentor Partners can pull reports on the number of learners, the number of mentors, how educators/mentors are using the platform with learners, where they are located, and if using in public K-12, what percentage of students qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch services. Mentor Partners can use project management tools to help create dynamic experiences, track engagement, and gather anecdotal records.

Inspired Classroom provides custom curriculum consultation, workshops, and professional development for Mentor Partners to fully support quality learning experiences.

Age groups 
All education levels
Offline play 
Internet required
Educational Quality
Learning Goals

The pedagogical analysis covers how the product supports learning of the identified skills. The student’s role is assessed by four contrary pair parameters, which are selected to cover the most essential aspects on the use of the product.

Inspired Classroom offers a flexible platform for providing great pre-curated material. In order to progress the user is required to acquire and use new information. It is easy to embed various types of resources and give students open-ended questions which can create various options on how to learn. The progress needs teamwork, and it is easy to follow each one's efforts on collaborative work. Guided mode is good for younger learners, even if it makes learning more teacher-led.
IC supports creating Challenges that require utilizing learned in open-ended problem-solving. The Mentor Partners can create inspiring Challenges for students that can support very student-centered work. This will allow students to learn in various ways and not through repetition or rehearsal. Adding steps to challenges makes it very easy to grasp. Having a chance to have external Evaluators gives a chance to give students rich feedback from an expert.
The Challenges give clear pre-curated learning experiences, that can promote free exploration of content by students, yet the teacher can easily monitor the progress. There's a chance to add library resources that allow for further study. The Guided mode helps to differentiate the experience for the younger learner. The best thing here is teamwork, where it is possible to utilize everyone's strengths and share the tasks according to those.
Even when Teams are created, the progress is up to the learner, and each individual is responsible of their own work. The chance to get feedback from an expert in MentorIC is absolutely great and can be very mind-opening! Collaboration in a group is a great way for students to critically think and reflect on the content.

The following are the high educational quality aspects in this product.

Very flexible base for different challenges that is adaptive for many subjects and age groups.
Working in teams where everyone has a chance to contribute helps reflection and promotes active learning.
External evaluators can give rich and mind-opening feedback to students.
The Challenge format is easy to create and there are good examples available for creators.

The supported learning goals are identified by matching the product with several relevant curricula descriptions on this subject area. The soft skills are definitions of learning goals most relevant for the 21st century. They are formed by taking a reference from different definitions of 21st century skills and Finnish curriculum.

Subject based learning goals

Practice writing and processing fluent text on a variety of media and learn how to make images, sound, video and animation.
Students are directed to act according to their role and the nature of the medium and to take responsibility for their communication.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are widely used in various subjects and in other school work.
Critical literacy is developed in cultural contexts that are meaningful to students.
Strengthen the ability to pose and retrieve questions independently and in conjunction with others through observations, and through a variety of information sources and aids. At the same time, students will be able to identify different perspectives on the subject they are considering, to find new insights, and to gradually become critical in the subject.
Multi-literacy is enhanced by looking at different texts from the perspective of the author, the viewer, and the contexts and situations.
Students are guided to develop their multitasking skills and to interpret, produce and evaluate a wider range of texts in different contexts and contexts.
Creating opportunities for students to find, experiment and use the most appropriate working methods and tools for their own learning and work.
Students practice searching for information from multiple sources using search services. They are guided to utilize sources to produce their own knowledge and to practice critical evaluation of knowledge.
Students are encouraged to find appropriate forms of expression and use ICT to document and evaluate their work output.
Students are encouraged to use diverse sources of information such as oral, audiovisual, print and electronic, as well as search and library services.
Students are directed to compare and evaluate the relevance of the information they are seeking.
Thinking skills are practiced through problem solving and reasoning tasks, and by working with and promoting curiosity, imagination, inventiveness, and functionality.
Create inspiring opportunities to practice social skills, inventiveness, design and expression skills, and crafting skills.
Students are encouraged to try different forms of expression.
Students are directed to look at things from different angles and from the positions of others.
Supporting the growth of students to become versatile and proficient in their mother tongue and in other languages. Pupils are encouraged to express themselves with a low level of language skills.
Use of various communication systems and community-based services in education.
Students are encouraged to bring their ideas to life with ICT.
Students will be guided to responsible and safe use of ICT, good behavior and knowledge of the basic principles of copyright.
Students are directed to observe and interpret the environment and to notice that the texts have different purposes and that the objectives influence the ways in which the texts are used.
Obtain information on the development and impact of technology in different areas of life and environments.
Design your own and joint work and practice setting goals and evaluating work.
Guiding students to identify their progress, identify their own strengths as learners, and rejoice in their successes.
Discussions on possible choices related to studies and help understand the importance of different options.
Encouraging students to listen to others' views while also reflecting on their own internal knowledge.
Practicing using imagination in creative solutions and crossing existing boundaries.
Instructing students to notice interactions and interrelationships.
Learning to form study goals and encourage students to discuss them with their parents
Students are directed to discover that knowledge can be constructed in many ways, for example by conscious reasoning or intuition or based on one's own experience.
Students are directed to identify the most natural ways to learn and to pay attention to their own learning.
Students are instructed to recognize the impact of regularly performed assignments on their progress and to identify their strengths and development needs.
Pupils are encouraged to take initiative and to entrepreneurship and guide them to see the importance of work and entrepreneurship in life and society.

Soft skills learning goals

Practicing to look things from different perspectives
Practicing to express own thoughts and feelings
Learning to combine information to find new innovations
Using technology as a part of explorative process
Using technological resources for finding and applying information
Practicing to create questions and make justifiable arguments based on observations
Learning to plan and design own written content and textual representations
Practicing to find, evaluate and share information
Practicing to use information independently and interactively
Encouraging to build new information and visions
Learning to build information on top of previously learned
Practicing to plan and execute studies, make observations and measurements
Developing problem solving skills
Practicing to give, get and reflect feedback
Practicing to notice causal connections
Learning to understand people, surroundings and phenomenons around us
Learning to find the joy of learning and new challenges
Learning to acquire, modify and produce information in different forms
Using technology resources for problem solving
Practicing to take responsibility of one's own learning
Practicing to evaluate one's own learning
Practicing strategic thinking
Practicing to argument clearly own opinions and reasonings
Learning to listen other people’s opinions
Learning decision-making, influencing and accountability
Practicing communication through different channels
Enabling the growth of positive self-image
Encouraging positive attitude towards working life
Learning to plan and organize work processes
Practicing decision making
Practicing versatile ways of working
Connecting subjects learned at school to skills needed at working life
Practicing logical reasoning to understand and interpret information in different forms
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts, from vernacular to academic
Using technology as a part of explorative and creative process
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts
Familiarizing with the influences of media and understanding its affordances
Using technology for interaction and collaboration
Practicing categorization and classification
Practicing to observe spoken and written language
Learning to notice causal connections
Practicing persistent working
Practicing to find ways of working that are best for oneself
Creating requirements for creative thinking
Practicing creative thinking
Encouraging students to be innovative and express new ideas
Practicing to use imagination and to be innovative
Practicing to use imagination and to be innovative
Learning to recognise and evaluate arguments and their reasonings
Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
Practicing to notice links between subjects learned
Practicing to work with others

The Finnish Educational Quality Certificate

Our Quality Evaluation Method is an academically sound approach to evaluating a product’s pedagogical design from the viewpoint of educational psychology.

The method has been developed with university researchers and all evaluators are carefully selected Finnish teachers with a master's degree in education.

More about the evaluation