Cahoot Learning

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CertifiedEducation quality
Cahoot Learning

Cahoot Learning

Cahoot Learning
Corporate Learning
Cahoot Learning is a workforce solution for professional learning.

Cahoot Learning is a leading global digital workforce solutions provider that creates transformative learning experiences for organisations, government agencies and industries. Cahoot Learning has developed a learning model and platform that redefines the way people learn by bringing together communities and using an Active Learning pedagogy. The outcomes? A highly engaging and effective workforce education, strong-bonded peers, and an entrenched culture of learning within the workforce.

Age groups 
Professional education
Any language you need
Desktop Windows
Desktop Mac
Mobile Android
Mobile iOS
Not required
Offline play 
Internet required
Educational Quality
Learning Goals

The pedagogical analysis covers how the product supports learning of the identified skills. The student’s role is assessed by four contrary pair parameters, which are selected to cover the most essential aspects on the use of the product.

Cahoot platform has plenty of good tools for creating interactive courses. The required interactivity can happen either with the system, or for example through posting comments and discussion with other participants. The course environment has good tools for also responding and adapting to user's activities; Even though the courses offer quite linear content delivery, for example the dynamic group forming tools make sure that the learner gets an optimal experience that caters to them.
Cahoot platform is very well build to support creative and constructive learning content. Building on prior knowledge happens as the product emphasizes joint knowledge sharing and discussion with peers and also learning from each others, and there are great tools available for that (group discussions, submissions and peer reviews). The accumulated learning data that can be well monitored and helps the learner to keep track on their progress.
The courses follow a linear, predetermined user progression. Yet, there are some very good features that help make the courses flexible; having session recordings of live events, dynamic, progress based grouping, and chances to divide learners to smaller cohorts even if some content is common to all cohorts. For the facilitator, the analytics tools make it easy to see and compare how the focus on courses varies between learners and how the effort is spread between the lowest and highest.
The whole Cahoot environment emphasizes the opportunities for teamwork and common goal setting in support of learning, not just the goals of individual work. The platform allows social interaction through digital channels as part of the learning experience. Community sharing is both required and encouraged, both in formal assignments and in more informal, warm up and team building tasks. Cahoot also facilitates more real-time interaction. For example, video meetings can be arranged.

The following are the high educational quality aspects in this product.

Cahoot platform provides great collaboration tools, and the courses encourage the interaction among learners.
The analytics keep the learners in track of their learning pace and the extent of their engagement in each course.
The course structure is very easy to follow, yet the platform allows differentiation and individual feedback on one's learning.

The supported learning goals are identified by matching the product with several relevant curricula descriptions on this subject area. The soft skills are definitions of learning goals most relevant for the 21st century. They are formed by taking a reference from different definitions of 21st century skills and Finnish curriculum.

Subject based learning goals

Showing tolerance, expressing and understanding different viewpoints, create confidence and feel empathy.
Communicate constructively in different environments, collaborate in teams and negotiate.
Ability to seek support when appropriate.
Ability to learn and work both collaboratively and autonomously.
Ability to deal with complexity.
Ability to critically reflect, evaluate learning, and make decisions.
Ability organise and persevere with one’s learning.
Desire to apply prior learning and life experiences in learning.
Develop resilience and confidence to pursue and succeed at learning throughout their lives.
Respecting diversity of others and their needs.
Ability to effectively manage one’s career and social interactions.
Ability to identify one’s capacities and focus.
Knowing the ways to search for the education, training and career opportunities and guidance or support available.
Knowing one’s preferred learning strategies.
Understand the codes of conduct and rules of communication generally accepted in different societies and environments.
Knowing one’s competence development needs and various ways to develop competences.
Look for opportunities to learn and develop in a variety of life contexts.
Identify and set goals and be able to motivate one self.
Being prepared both to overcome prejudices and to compromise.
Have a positive attitude toward one’s personal, social and physical wellbeing and learning throughout one’s life.

Soft skills learning goals

Using technology as a part of explorative process
Learning to recognise and evaluate arguments and their reasonings
Practicing to use imagination and to be innovative
Encouraging students to be innovative and express new ideas
Practicing creative thinking
Using technology for interaction and collaboration (also internationally)
Using technology to express one’s emotions and experiences
Using technology for interaction and collaboration
Using technology resources for problem solving
Practicing to find, evaluate and share information
Practicing to use information independently and interactively
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts
Using technology as a part of explorative and creative process
Learning to understand and interpret diverse types of texts, from vernacular to academic
Enabling the growth of positive self-image
Practicing to give, get and reflect feedback
Practicing to express own thoughts and feelings
Practicing communication through different channels
Learning decision-making, influencing and accountability
Learning to listen other people’s opinions
Practicing to argument clearly own opinions and reasonings
Practicing to work with others
Encouraging to build new information and visions
Supporting student to build their own linguistic and cultural identity
Learning to build information on top of previously learned
Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
Practicing to recognize and express feelings
Practicing to evaluate one's own learning
Practicing to set one's own learning goals
Practicing to take responsibility of one's own learning
Practicing to find ways of working that are best for oneself
Practicing persistent working
Understanding and interpreting of matrices and diagrams
Practicing logical reasoning to understand and interpret information in different forms
Practicing versatile ways of working
Practicing time management
Encouraging positive attitude towards working life
Learning to understand the meaning of rules, contracts and trust
Learning to understand people, surroundings and phenomenons around us
Learning to face respectfully people and follow the good manners
Practicing to notice links between subjects learned
Learning to notice causal connections
Learning to plan and design own written content and textual representations
Familiarizing with the influences of media and understanding its affordances
Practicing decision making
Learning to plan and organize work processes
Learning consumer knowledge and smart economics
Learning to combine information to find new innovations
Practicing to notice causal connections
Practicing to look things from different perspectives
Practicing to create questions and make justifiable arguments based on observations
Developing problem solving skills
Practicing to improvise
Learning to find the joy of learning and new challenges

The Finnish Educational Quality Certificate

Our Quality Evaluation Method is an academically sound approach to evaluating a product’s pedagogical design from the viewpoint of educational psychology.

The method has been developed with university researchers and all evaluators are carefully selected Finnish teachers with a master's degree in education.

More about the evaluation