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CertifiedEducation quality


Career skills
Skilio is a platform for portfolio building and career development.

Skilio is a skills-based hiring platform. It enable jobseekers to easily apply for jobs with their skillsets in turn helping recruiters identify & prioritize qualified candidates at the application stage. For students Skilio offers a skill-based portfolio tool that analyses the soft-skills displayed by the student. Skilio's materials teach how to describe one's competences and how to reach out to potential employees.

Age groups 
High School
Tertiary Education
Professional education
Offline play 
Internet required
Educational Quality
Learning Goals

The pedagogical analysis covers how the product supports learning of the identified skills. The student’s role is assessed by four contrary pair parameters, which are selected to cover the most essential aspects on the use of the product.

Skilio is helping the students in building their portfolio, recognizing their skills and improving their position in job seeking. Data-based analysis and inspirational suggestions are provided to users to help them improve their career-related skills. Skilio also offers study materials for effective job seeking and career development.
The skill analysis strongly guides the learner in reflecting their progression and competences. Building of portfolio through Experiences and Milestones is a flexible structure that allows showcasing very different kind of achievements.
Learner can define their engagement points very freely themselves and use Skilio as they wish.
The user can act and progress autonomously, but there are good tools available for sharing - it is possible to share a link to your Skilio portfolio, and also ask for mentorship.

The following are the high educational quality aspects in this product.

Skilio is a flexible portfolio platform with good tools for describing one's experience and creations.
The AI analysis tells clearly, what the analysis is based on, and offers chances in improving students self awareness and skills in describing their expertise.
Mentoring and career matching bring real value for the institution, student and employer.

The supported learning goals are identified by matching the product with several relevant curricula descriptions on this subject area. The soft skills are definitions of learning goals most relevant for the 21st century. They are formed by taking a reference from different definitions of 21st century skills and Finnish curriculum.

Subject based learning goals

I interact confidently and well with others
I can review my skills in relation to what employers are looking for
I make use of technologies to develop my career
I’m able to reflect on my strengths and address my weaknesses.
I can find and use information and the support of others for my (future) career
I am innovative and creative in my thinking about my work, learning and life.
I manage my goals, my time and personal finances in a way that supports my career building.
I can cope with changes in the world of work.
I assess the pros and cons of formal and informal sources of information.
I can find work or learning opportunities that are right for me.
I seek new opportunities to help build my career.
I am open to opportunities including, those in other countries.
I make the most of opportunities I come across.
I understand how learning and work change over time.
I understand how changes in society relate to my learning and work.
I know who I am and what I am good at.
I understand the need to use social media to network for my (future) career.
I can use social media networks
I can develop skills which will help me to get what I want out of work.
I can make decisions and set career goals for myself within appropriate timescales.
I learn throughout life.
I am able to set myself career goals
I maintain my (professional) relationships and networks
I build professional relationships and networks to support my (future) career

Soft skills learning goals

Developing problem solving skills
Practicing to look things from different perspectives
Practicing to take responsibility of one's own learning
Learning to notice causal connections
Practicing categorization and classification
Using technology for interaction and collaboration (also internationally)
Practicing to find, evaluate and share information
Learning to use foreign language in work context
Encouraging positive attitude towards working life
Practicing to give, get and reflect feedback
Practicing to use foreign language as a communication tool
Learning to listen other people’s opinions
Practicing to work with others
Encouraging to build new information and visions
Supporting student to build their own linguistic and cultural identity
Learning to combine information to find new innovations
Enabling the growth of positive self-image
Encouraging the growth of positive self-image
Practicing to observe spoken and written language
Learning consumer knowledge and smart economics
Using technology resources for problem solving
Encouraging students to be innovative and express new ideas
Practicing to evaluate one's own learning
Practicing to find ways of working that are best for oneself
Practicing persistent working
Using technology for interaction and collaboration
Using technological resources for finding and applying information
Realizing the connection between subjects learned in free time and their impact to skills needed at worklife
Connecting subjects learned at school to skills needed at working life
Practicing communication through different channels

The Finnish Educational Quality Certificate

Our Quality Evaluation Method is an academically sound approach to evaluating a product’s pedagogical design from the viewpoint of educational psychology.

The method has been developed with university researchers and all evaluators are carefully selected Finnish teachers with a master's degree in education.

More about the evaluation